Madness Comic Network

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Indie CD Creators @ Play – 2/18 8pm EST
Silverline – 2/18 11pm EST
Silverline – 2/19 9pm EST
First Impressions – 2/19 2:30pm EST
Geek-men ADHD Theater – 2/21 9pm EST
1pmMadness Open Drawstream (w Pops & Levi)

3:30pmThe Show-Offs (w Pops & Dave Houston)

7pm3 Beer Men

8pmSilverline Sunday (w Roland’s Crew)
12pm4th Wall Interviews (w Pops)

5pmMonday Madness (w Pops & Levi)

8pmBehind the Code (w Joe Bachman)

10:30pmIt’s Frickin’ Figures (w Dustin & Zombie)
11amTuesday Morning Brew (w Laurie Calcaterra)

3pmMadness “Pilled Exclusive” Drawstream (w Levi Skeen)

11pmSilverline (w Tim’s Crew)
12pmComic Artist Hour (w Les Garner & Charles Moisant)

8pmThe Burning is Yarn (w Joe & Trilaina Bachman)

9pmFirst Impressions (w Ed Davis & Dash Hooper)

9pmSilverline Wednesday Wham (w Barb’s Crew)

10pmBaron/Earls Show (w Mike & Jeff)
11amTabletop Demos (w Chris Brown)

2pmAsk Chuck Dixon (w Chuck Dixon)

7pmMadness Movie Night on Pilled

9pmCreative Chaos (w Kitty Phillips)
9amRWArts Strictly Art

12pmWhat’s Your Issue? (w Pops)

7pmKiller Karen (w Karen & Dante)*

7pmThe ID Show*

8pmCritical Blast Programming

9pmADHD Theater (w Dustin, Zombie, Pumyra, & Derry)

11pmFreewheelin’ Friday (w Ryan Permison)
12pmWhatcha Readin’ (w Chuck Dixon)

12:30pmSaturday Comic Talk (w Ed Davis)

1pmMadness Open Drawstream – Saturday Edition

8pmBoldcat Studios Drawstream (w Stephen Brown)

10pmRandom Stuff From John’s Longbox (w John Bua)
All Times Listed are Eastern Standard Time *Show airs alternating weeks